Welcome To Church of the Holy Cross 


Jesus had a way of looking at human life that can make a person in the developed world uncomfortable even today. He is very clear that the possession of many material goods can enslave the owner into making decisions based on what he owns or wants to own, rather than on the deepest desires of his heart. He says: "Woe to the rich, for your consolation is now."

In what do you find consolation?

FATHER DAVID will be on vacation February 15 - 23. Father Timothy Backous and Father Andrew Knopp will be at Holy Cross to help on the weekends.

Goal -                                                                                   $1,500,000.00
Total paid to date (pledge payments and additional gifts)     $1,101,133.70
Pledge payments still outstanding                                           $ 328,566.30
Gifts still needed (in addition to pledges)                                  $ 70,300.00

Thank you to all who continue to make regular pledge payments or give additional gifts. Every gift, large or small, helps in reaching our goal.

The yellow envelope in your packet can be used for gifts and/or pledge payments. Thank you!

Offertory Collection
February 8,2004...........................$6,388.96 

THANK YOU to those who returned pledge slips for the Annual Catholic Appeal. If you were unable to return yours today, please take time to prayerfully respond and bring your pledge slip to Mass next weekend. The goal assigned to Holy Cross Parish is $31,759.00. Your generous response is needed and will be greatly appreciated!

BASED ON THE NUMBER OF SURVEYS RETURNED there will be two Masses each weekday during Lent.

Masses will be at 6:45 AM and 5:30 PM
Monday thru Friday.

                                     PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC
                                          ADORATION NEWS

Each moment you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament brings pleasure and delight to His Sacred Heart! (Provo 8:31) Jesus will bless you for your visits. Trust and pray! Visit Jesus in the Adoration Chapel.

The Adoration Chapel is located in the convent of Holy Cross. Open hours: Monday 11:00 p.m., Thursday 11:00 a.m., Friday 10:00 a.m. and Saturday 12:00 noon. For more information call 763-788-4729 or 612-781-4806.
PLEASE KEEP SAVING ALUMINUM CANS - The money raised from recycling the aluminum will go towards the "Continuing Our Tradition" Campaign and your help does makes a difference! Bags of aluminum cans can be put in the containers by the doors of the church or by the garages behind the rectory.
CONGRATULATIONS TO RICK ZACZEK who recently received the Boy Scouts of America Bronze Pelican Catholic Adult Religious Award! Rick has been active with the Boy Scouts for more than 40 years.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ED & HELEN PASNIK whose son Douglas was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Air Corp.


Saturday, February 14
    4:30 p.m. t Marguerite Moritko
Sunday, February 15
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    8:00 a.m. t Mike & Florence Vawracz - Anniv. Florence
  10:00 a.m. t Arvid Kuch
  11:30 a.m. O Zdrowie I Boze Blogoslawienstwo Dla Stanislawa Szewczyk
    6:30 p.m. For the Parishioners
Monday, February 16
    6:45 a.m. t John & Bessie Tykwinski - Anniv. of John
Tuesday, February 17
    6:45 a.m. t Leona Lamusga
Wednesday, February 18
    6:45 a.m. t Lucian Laskow
Thursday, February 19
    6:45 a.m. t Nick & Philomene Majka
Friday, February 20
    6:45 a.m. t Anna, Joseph & Casmier Ratay
    7:00 p.m. t Franciszek Krystosik
Saturday, February 21
    8:00 a.m. t Wayne Wincek
    4:30 p.m. t John & Pauline Kondrak
Sunday, February 22
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m. t Rhonda Nawara
  10:00 a.m. t Joseph Kapala
  11:30 a.m. t Brunis & Estelle Smoka
    6:30 p.m. For the Parishioners

Readings for the Week of February 15, 2004

Sunday: Jer 17:5-8; 1 Cor 15: 12, 16-20; Lk6:17,20-26
Monday: Jas 1:1-11; Mk 8:11-13
Tuesday: Jas 1:12-18; Mk 8:14-21
Wednesday: Jas 1: 19-27; Mk 8:22-26
Thursday: Jas 2:1-9; Mk 8:27-33
Friday: Jas 2:14-24,26; Mk 8:34--9:1
Saturday: Jas 3: 1-1 0; Mk 9:2-13
Next Sunday: 1 Sm 26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23; 1 Cor 15:45-49; Lk 6:27-38

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