Parish Priests.................................... 612-789-7238

      Father David T. Ostrowski, Pastor



      Father Waldemar Matusiak, SChr



Pastoral Ministry............................... 612-789-9168

      Sister M. Benita, OSF

      Sister Donna, OSF


Business Manager............................ 612-789-3430

      Janice Frakie         (


Parish Secretary................................ 612-789-7238

      Janice Godlewski  (


Bulletin Announcements due by Monday, noon.


Wedding Coordinator........................ 612-789-9168

      Sister Benita

                          Must be registered in the Parish

               and active for two years before wedding date.

Telephone Numbers

      Parish Office................................... 612-789-7238

      Parish Office Fax............................ 612-789-5769

      Pope John Paul II Catholic School... 612-789-8851

      Convent......................................... 612-789-3256

      Parish Library................................. 612-781-0435


Prayer Line

      Weekdays...................................... 612-789-7238

      Anytime.......................................... 763-572-1713



CHURCH PAINTING FUND -         May 27, 2007

             (For painting the South side aisle)


  Goal                                                        $80,000.00

  Gift received to date                               -$45,462.00

  Still needed                                             $34,538.00






As of Wednesday, May 30, we have 255 responses with pledges and gifts totaling $267,870.00 or 76% of our goal of $350,000.  We need at least 80% of the goal to begin in June.  This goal is possible with your help.  Please return your pledge card this week so we can determine if we can go forward with the painting.  Thank you to all parishioners and friends for the gifts received thus far:


                          $25,000                            1

                          $12,000                            1

                          $  5,000                            7

                          $  3,000                            8

                          $  2,000                          23

                          $  1,000 - $2,000            63

                          Under $1,000                152


Offertory Collection


         May 27, 2007…………………………$6,848.54

Please remember Holy Cross Parish

in your Will.


In this Sunday’s selection from the book of Proverbs, wisdom is personified as a woman at God’s side.  It’s not often that we are made so concretely aware of a feminine aspect in the Trinity.  Each time we pray the Lord’s Prayer we call on God, our Father.  And in the incarnation the Word, the second person of the Trinity, took on our flesh as the man Jesus.

Today’s first reading from the Old Testament reminds us that God embraces both genders.  For some people, seeing the feminine in God is very difficult.  Yet some of the great mystics of the Catholic tradition (such as the twelfth-century Cistercians and German medieval nuns like Mechtild of Hackeborn) had no difficulty in approaching God from that perspective.  Their spirituality reminds us that God is boundless, unlimited by space, time, or any other constraints that God’s creatures may wish to lay upon God.  Such is the beauty and immensity of eternal Love.
Text Box: THIS IS THE LAST WEEKEND to  register for the 2007-2008 Faith Formation classes, First Communion preparation and Confirmation classes.  Registration will be in the Sacristy.

This registration includes:

All children who will attend public school and be in grades 1-7 next year.
Children who will be in grade 2 in preparation for First Holy Communion whether they attend public school or Pope John Paul II Catholic School.
Students who will be in grades 8 & 9 in the fall or older for Confirmation preparation.  This includes those who attend public school and those who attend a Catholic school.

Please make use of this opportunity so books can be ordered.  If you have any questions, please call Sister Donna (evenings) at 612-789-9168.

PLEASE KEEP SAVING ALUMINUM CANS - The money raised from recycling aluminum goes toward the “Church Painting.”  Bags of aluminum cans (beer and pop only) can be put in containers by the doors of church or by the garages behind the rectory.