Parish Priests.................................... 612-789-7238

      Father Glen T. Jenson, Pastor

      Father Glen at St. Anthony.............. 612-379-2324



      Father Waldemar Matusiak, SChr


      Deacon John Belian


Pastoral Ministry............................... 612-789-9168

      Sister M. Benita, OSF

      Sister Donna, OSF


Business Manager............................ 612-789-3430

      Janice Frakie         (


Parish Secretary................................ 612-789-7238

      Janice Godlewski  (


Bulletin Announcements due by Monday, noon.


Telephone Numbers

      Parish Office................................... 612-789-7238

      Parish Office Fax............................ 612-789-5769

      Pope John Paul II Catholic School... 612-789-8851

      Convent......................................... 612-789-3256


Prayer Line

      Weekdays...................................... 612-789-7238

      Anytime.......................................... 763-572-1713




Offertory Collection

May 3, 2009


 For the Week:            Actual           Budget        Excess or

                              Received        Needed        (Shortfall)


 Envelopes/Plate:  $6,975.15     $7,650.00      ($674.85)

Text Box: CHURCH PAINTING FUND  -        May 3, 2009

  Goal					$350,000.00

  Total paid to date (payments and gifts)	$333,231.00
  Pledge payments outstanding		$  16,769.00

FAMILY HOLY HOUR - Come, bring your Mother and celebrate Mother’s Day with Jesus at Family Adoration - a special afternoon of music, prayer, Adoration, Benediction and reflection, TODAY at Holy Cross Church 3:00 PM..  Families of all ages are welcome!  Bring a snack to share!  Families should enjoy fellowship in Kolbe Hall after prayer.  For information call Terry at 651-748-1744; Carrie 612-789-5714 or Theresa 763-786-5206.

IN YOUR PRAYERS PLEASE REMEMBER the following parishioners who have gone to their eternal rest: Shirley Kuduk, Donald Paidosh and Red Landon.  Eternal rest grant on to them O Lord and let the perpetual light shine upon them.  May they rest in peace.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY and many Blessings to all Mothers, Grandmothers, Stepmothers, Godmothers and Mothers-to-Be.  May God bless each of you and may the love of Jesus always shine in your life and in the lives of those you cherish.

REGISTRATION - Registration for the 2009-2010 Faith Formation classes and First Communion preparation this weekend after Mass.  Please see Sister Donna to register.  Any question please call Sister Donna (evenings) 612-789-9168.





This weekend we hear the Lord speak of himself as the vine and we as the branches on that vine.  He will provide the nourishment for us to bear rich fruit in love and service to each other in love.  Learning to appreciate the gift He gives us of himself in the Eucharist is so important for each Christian.  If it remains just something that we do at church on Sunday, only a routine to go through, we will never understand how Jesus can be the vine supplying the nourishment for our souls. 


Prepare for communion by praying each day at home, learning thereby who he is and his way of guiding you.  Come to church with time enough to pray with him before mass begins to open to him when mass begins, so that at communion time your heart is ready and waiting to receive him and all his love.  Then we can carry him into our day outside of church in the way each of us lives. 


May our students receiving First Holy Communion this weekend at Holy Cross and next weekend at St. Hedwig’s be blessed in this first encounter with Jesus and all his love for them.  May they hunger to come to him every Sunday of their lives ever after. 


This weekend is also Mother’s Day!  Our mothers have nourished us with their love and care throughout our lives as well.  They are in so many ways images of God’s love.  May the Lord reward each and all of our moms this weekend and every day of their lives for all the love that they give to us.  God bless you Moms!



God gave the world stars and there was beauty.

God gave the world sun and there was warmth.

God gave the world rain and there was life.

God gave the world mothers and there was Love.


Father Glen Jenson, Pastor