Parish Priests.................................... 612-789-7238

      Father Glen T. Jenson, Pastor

      Father Glen at St. Anthony.............. 612-379-2324



      Father Waldemar Matusiak, SChr


      Deacon John Belian


Pastoral Ministry............................... 612-789-9168

      Sister M. Benita, OSF

      Sister Donna, OSF


Business Manager............................ 612-789-3430

      Janice Frakie         (


Parish Secretary................................ 612-789-7238

      Janice Godlewski  (


Bulletin Announcements due by Monday, noon.


Telephone Numbers

      Parish Office................................... 612-789-7238

      Parish Office Fax............................ 612-789-5769

      Pope John Paul II Catholic School... 612-789-8851

      Convent......................................... 612-789-3256


Prayer Line

      Weekdays...................................... 612-789-7238

      Anytime.......................................... 763-572-1713




Offertory Collection - May 2, 2010


 $6,850.67 - Thank you!



FAMILY HOLY HOUR - Come nourish your family’s faith and enthusiasm...bring your children and adore Jesus at a special Family Holy Hour celebrated by Father Joseph Menker, OMI TODAY, May 9th at 3:00 PM.  It is a special afternoon of music, prayer, Adoration, Benediction and reflection.  Bring a snack to share! Families should plan to enjoy fellowship in Kennedy Hall after prayer.  Questions call Terry 651-748-1744, Carrie 612-789-5714 or Teresa 763-786-5206.




Our Eucharistic Lord knows and loves us.  HE is in the Consecrated Host, true GOD and true MAN.  HE sees us,, listens to us, and answers our prayers.    HE waits for us - longs for us.


Choose an hour to visit JESUS in the Adoration Chapel. 


For information call 763-784-1317 or 612-781-4806.


and blessings to all Mothers, Grandmothers, Stepmothers, Godmothers and Mothers-to-Be. 

May the love of Jesus radiate in your life and

be reflected in those you cherish.


 As the feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost draw near we hear Jesus in the Gospel telling his apostles that he will be leaving them and that the Father will send the Holy Spirit to them.  Jesus will not leave us alone from heaven where he is at the Father’s side.  They give us the Holy Spirit, their bond of love, to guide and strengthen us.  He comes to us through the Holy Spirit especially in communion, and fittingly our young children are receiving their First Holy Communion during this special time near the Ascension and Pentecost.  St Hedwig’s children received their First Holy Communion last week and those at Holy Cross do so this Sunday.  With Jesus in our hearts in the Eucharist we are filled with the Holy Spirit to grow in the ways of divine love that Jesus leads us to.  May everyone who is nourished with the Holy Eucharist become living examples of divine love, the love of Jesus and bring that love to those whom we meet.  The world is waiting for this example of love for it to be transformed into the foretaste of heaven that only Jesus’ love can enable it to become.  God bless all our children as they make their First Holy Communion.  May they inspire us as they begin to live their new relationship with Jesus!

God gave the world stars and there was beauty. 
God gave the world sun and there was warmth. 
God gave the world rain and there was life. 
God gave the world MOTHERS and there was LOVE. Happy Mother’s Day!

Father Glen Jenson, Pastor
Text Box: REGISTRATION - Again this weekend we will begin registration for the 2010-2011 Faith Formation classes and First Communion preparation.

All children who will attend public school and be in grades 1-8 next school year.
Children in grade 2 who will prepare for First Communion whether they attend public school or Pope John Paul II Catholic School.

Please see Sister Donna in the Sacristy to register.  Any questions call Sister Donna (evenings) at 612-789-9168.

A TRADITION RETURNS - The blessing of cars, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, boats, etc. returns to Holy Cross on Sunday, May 23 after 8:00 & 10:00 Mass.  Bring your vehicles to be blessed before the summer travel season begins.  More information in next week’s bulletin.