Parish Priests.................................... 612-789-7238

      Father Glen T. Jenson, Pastor

      Father Glen at St. Anthony.............. 612-379-2324



      Father Waldemar Matusiak, SChr


      Father Don Schwalm

      Deacon John Belian


Pastoral Ministry............................... 612-789-9168

      Sister M. Benita, OSF

      Sister Donna, OSF


Business Manager............................ 612-789-3430

      Janice Frakie         (


Parish Secretary................................ 612-789-7238

      Janice Godlewski  (


Bulletin Announcements due by Monday, noon.


Telephone Numbers

      Parish Office................................... 612-789-7238

      Parish Office Fax............................ 612-789-5769

      Pope John Paul II Catholic School... 612-789-8851

      Convent......................................... 612-789-3256


Prayer Line

      Weekdays...................................... 612-789-7238

      Anytime.......................................... 763-572-1713



“THANKS MOM FOR LIFE” MOTHER’S DAY CORSAGES - The English Altar and Rosary Guild is sponsoring “Thanks Mom For Life “ corsages for Mother’s Day.  Order your Mom, grandmother, aunt or favorite lady a corsage.  Advance sales this weekend - May 2 and 3.  Buy a ticket which you exchange on Mother’s Day weekend (May 9 & 10) for a lovely orchid corsage with attached pro-life message.  Donation is $5.00.  Tickets available at the church entrance.  Limited corsages available.  Proceeds to pro-life activities.


Offertory Collection

April 26, 2009


 For the Week:            Actual           Budget        Excess or

                              Received        Needed        (Shortfall)


 Envelopes/Plate:  $5,768.27     $7,650.00     ($1,881.73)

Text Box: CHURCH PAINTING FUND  -        April 26, 2009

  Goal					$350,000.00

  Total paid to date (payments and gifts)	$332,909.00
  Pledge payments outstanding		$  17,091.00





This is Good Shepherd Sunday and we hear the Lord himself in the Gospel describe himself as the Good Shepherd.  The love and care of the Lord Jesus for us was made abundantly clear in his death and resurrection for us that we celebrated on Easter.  But a shepherd, one who cares for his flock and puts his life on the line for his flock, is a very comforting image.  There is so much going on in our world today, the economy, the war in Iraq, many social issues in our own country, as well as the personal issues bearing on us individually, it is very helpful to know where to turn to for help and guidance.  Jesus will always be there for each of us, and all of us, as a good shepherd will always be.  Call upon Him each day in prayer, and look for His loving help in the people and circumstances of your day.


The Catholic Services Appeal is drawing to a close and will soon move to the direct phone (May 15th) phase of pledging.  For pledges made after the parish level of pledging is over, the archdiocese does not give back a percentage to the parish.  If you are able to make a pledge but simply have not done so, please try to make your pledge soon.  This appeal does support many good and worthy projects in our Archdiocese.


Father Glen Jenson, Pastor

THANK YOU - Thank you to the Family of Shirley Borries for the gift given to the parish in memory of their wife and mother.  We are grateful for your kindness and generosity.

ANNUAL MAY DAY ROSARY PROCESSIONS in St. Paul and Minneapolis are TODAY, Sunday, May 3rd. Saint Paul gathering time is 1:30 PM at the State Capitol. Minneapolis gathering time is 1:30 PM in the Dunwoody parking lot.   Everyone is welcome.  Bring your family.

THANK YOU  -  The Family of Stanley Szewczyk would like to express their gratitude and thanks to Father Waldemar, Mary, Janina and Sonny for the beautiful mass. Thank you also to Father Glen, Sister Benita, Sister Donna, the Funeral Luncheon Committee, Janice F. and Janice G. and the whole parish for all their thoughts, prayers and support during our difficult time.

BAPTISM CLASSES - Baptism class is required for parents and Godparents before the desired date.  If you are planning to attend a class, you will need to call the Holy Cross Parish Office at 612-789-7238 to register.  Baptism class is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Hedwig’s River Village, 29th & Randolph St. N.E.  The next class is Tues., May 12.