Welcome to Church of the Holy Cross


The emphasis in today's second reading from the First Letter of Peter is on the example of Christ. The Christian in the world is called to live like him and endure like him. For the author, this is much more than just "grin and bear it." Rather, he recognized that the Christian in the world would face persecution. Living out one's baptism would not always be as joyful as Easter morning.

Being baptized truly means putting on Christ. That baptismal transformation is more than just a white robe over the top of our clothes. We really are different because of our baptism. Christ lives in us and so we have this power to endure.

                     PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC

Come and visit JESUS whenever you can at the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel.
Open Hours: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday: 7:00 AM
Thursday: 8:00 AM

Other early hours are listed in the Chapel. To have questions answered or for more information call 612-605- 2558 or 612-781-4806. Thank you!
WE WELCOME the Archdiocesan Holy Name members and their guests who are at Holy Cross on Sat., April 16 for the 4:30 p.m. Mass and annual banquet!


Goal -                                                                                  $1,500,000.00
Total paid to date (pledge payments and additional gifts)    $1,356,923.70
Pledge still outstanding                                                         $ 143.076.30

Thank you to the Family & Friends of Sophie Biernat for the gifts given in her Memory.

We are also grateful for the following gifts:
Holy Cross Polish Holy Name Society - $1,000.00
Holy Cross Mothers Club - $200.00
Holy Cross Polish Committee - $200.00
Holy Cross English Rosary Guild - $410.00

Even though we do not have a "Gifts still needed" balance at this time, it will not always be that amount. As people become unemployed, move to a nursing home or out of the parish or pass away in death, they will not be able to pay their pledge. As we become aware of these situations, you will notice any unpaid pledges moved to the "Gifts still needed" column.

Offertory Collection
April 10, 2005...................................$6,983.29

PARISHIONERS OF HOLY CROSS your thoughtful donation is most welcome and we want to tell you how much we appreciate your sending $1,850.00. Your kindness helps us to give our patients the many things that they need in their last days. May God bless you for your compassion and may our prayers bring you and abundance of His great love and peace. Sister Anne Marie, O.P. - Our Lady of Good Counsel Home
THE GOSPEL OF MARK: An introductory commentary in accordance with Catholic Tradition and based on the teaching of Catholic saints and scholars. The last session will be in Kennedy Hall on Tuesday, April 19 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Free admission. For information call Greg Ignatik at 763-572-1361 after 6:00 PM.
 HOLY CROSS SENIORS "GET TOGETHER" will be on Friday, May 6. Join the fun at our annual seniors "Get- Together." Mass at 10:30 a.m, and dinner to follow. Cost is $10 and reservations are necessary. Call 612-789- 9168. Deadline is Monday, May 2nd.


Saturday, April 16
    4:30 p.m. t Mr. & Mrs. Ted Myslicki and Sons - Harry and Ted
Sunday, April 17
Fourth Sunday of Easter

    8:00 a.m. t Burnette Polkey
  10:00 a.m. t Eleanor O'Connell
  11:30 a.m. Roman & Halina Mularczyk
    6:30 p.m. For the Parishioners
Monday, April 18
    6:45 a.m. Health of John Klinger
Tuesday, April 19
    6:45 a.m. t Kermit & Ann Sherman
Wednesday, April 20
    6:45 a.m. t Beulah & John Bartoszek
Thursday, April 21
    6:45 a.m. t Charles Pikala
Friday, April 22
    6:45 a.m. t Roy & Helen Cooper
    7:00 p.m. t Father Edward Wojtowicz
Saturday, April 23
    8:00 a.m. t Frances Smietana
    4:30 p.m. In Thanksgiving and for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life
Sunday, April 24
Fifth Sunday of Easter

    8:00 a.m. t Paul Rudnicki
  10:00 a.m. t Harriet Moritko
  11:30 a.m. Marek & Malgorzata Swietkowski
    6:30 p.m. For the Parishioners

Readings for the Week of April 17, 2005

Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41, 1 Pt 2:20b-25, Jn 10:1-10
Monday: Acts 11:1-18, Jn 10:11-18
Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26, Jn 10:22-30
Wednesday: Acts 12:24-13:5a, Jn 12:44-50
Thursday: Acts 13:13-25, Jn 13:16-20
Friday: Acts 13:26-33, Jn 14:1-6
Saturday: Acts 13:44-52, Jn 14:7-14
Next Sunday: Acts 6:1-7, 1 Pt 2:4-9, Jn 14:1-12


April 17, 1790 April 17, 1790
Benjamin Franklin dies in Philadelphia.

April 19, 1865
The Warsaw uprising begins.

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