Parish Priests.................................... 612-789-7238

      Father Glen T. Jenson, Pastor

      Father Glen at St. Anthony.............. 612-379-2324


      Father Waldemar Matusiak, SChr


      Father Don Schwalm

      Deacon John Belian


Pastoral Ministry............................... 612-789-9168

      Sister M. Benita, OSF

      Sister Donna, OSF


Business Manager............................ 612-789-3430

      Janice Frakie         (


Parish Secretary................................ 612-789-7238

      Janice Godlewski  (


Bulletin Announcements due by Monday, noon.


Telephone Numbers

      Parish Office................................... 612-789-7238

      Parish Office Fax............................ 612-789-5769

      Pope John Paul II Catholic School... 612-789-8851

      Convent......................................... 612-789-3256


Prayer Line

      Weekdays...................................... 612-789-7238

      Anytime.......................................... 763-572-1713



IN YOUR PRAYERS PLEASE REMEMBER Jeanette Winkelmann who passed away this past week.  Eternal rest grant on to her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.  May she rest in peace.


Offertory Collection

March 22, 2009


 For the Week:            Actual           Budget         Excess or

                              Received        Needed        (Shortfall)


 Envelopes/Plate: $7,067.99     $7,650.00       ($582.01)

Text Box: CHURCH PAINTING FUND  -  March 22, 2009

  Goal					$350,000.00

  Total paid to date  (payments and gifts)	$329,245.00
  Pledge payments outstanding		$  20,755.00






This Sunday in the old calendar was called Passion Sunday and the statues were covered from this day until the Easter Vigil.  It is a time of special intensity of prayer and preparation to enter the Holy Triduum during Holy Week, our most high Christian holy days.  Jesus says in our Gospel today, “unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains just a grain of wheat, but if it dies, it produces much fruit”.  If we fear change in our lives then we are unwilling to die so that something new might take root and begin to grow in our lives.  Many people’s fear of what they will have to give up if they become more religious is based on this fear of dying in the Lord.  If we are willing to die with Jesus, we will experience the rising with Him as well as He is allowed by us to take charge of our lives and lead us into His path of holiness.  Do not fear Jesus.  Allow Him to take you by the hand and lead you onward.  May our Lady assist us in this task of dying so that we can rise in Him. 
Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.


Father Glen Jenson, Pastor




Our Parish is  behind on our goal for the appeal this year.  So much good is accomplished through the funds raised by this appeal.  I urge you - if you haven’t made your pledge yet, please consider doing so.  25% of all gifts are returned to the parish.  As of Wednesday, we have received $16,682 or 59% of our goal of $28,263.  37% of our parishioners have responded.  Thank you!


Father Glen




Fifth Sunday of Lent.  Prayer is one of the most important things we can do.  In prayer we gain the blessings of JESUS.  By prayer we unite ourselves to JESUS.  It is the vine that gives life to the branches. (John 15:5)


Visit JESUS in the Adoration Chapel. JESUS will give us blessings and strength. 


Open Hours: Monday 11:00 AM; Tuesday 2:00 PM; Wednesday 5:00 PM; Thursday 2:00 PM; Friday 1:00 PM.


For information call  612-781-4806 or 763-784-1317.

DEVOTIONS - First Saturday Devotions will be here at Holy Cross on Saturday, April 4 at 7:45 AM with praying of the first three decades of the Rosary and Mass at 8:00 AM.  After Mass our devotions will continue with praying of the final two decades of the Rosary, prayer and meditation.  All are welcome.