Offertory Collection


         December 10, 2006……………………. $6,646.00



Saturday, December 16

· Thank you for Continuing Our Tradition Campaign after 4:30 Mass in Kolbe Hall.

Today, December 17

· Thank you for Continuing Our Tradition Campaign after the morning Masses in Kolbe Hall.

· Decorate the Jesse Tree during the 10:00 AM Mass.

· Library open after the 10:00 AM Mass.

· Advent Vespers 3:00 PM at All Saints Church.

Monday, December 18

· Confessions after the 6:45 AM Mass.

Tuesday, December 19

· Confessions after 6:45 AM Mass & 5:30-6:30 PM.

Wednesday, December 20

· Confessions after 6:45 AM Mass & 5:30-6:30 PM.

· Faith Formation classes 6:30-7:30 PM in Church.

· Adult Choir 7:00 PM in Church.

Thursday, December 21

· Confessions after the 6:45 AM Mass.

· Children’s Christmas Mass practice 6:00 PM church.

· Decorate Church for Christmas beginning at 6:15 PM.  Help is needed.

· AA & Alanon 7:30 PM in Kennedy Hall.

Friday, December 22

· Confessions after the 6:45 AM Mass.

· Mass and Devotions in Polish 7:00 PM in Church.

Saturday, December 23

· NO Polish School.

Sunday, December 24

· Library open after the 10:00 AM Mass.

· NO 6:30 PM Mass.


BUS FOR WHITE CHRISTMAS AT THE ORDWAY- For those going to see “White Christmas” at the Ordway on Wednesday, December 20, the bus will leave at 6:30 PM from in front of school.


Please remember Holy Cross Parish in your Will.


(Renovation of Kolbe Hall, Kitchen and Elevator)

   Goal -                                                                     $1,500,000.00


   Total paid to date (pledge payments

            and additional gifts)                              $1,478,334.00

   Pledges outstanding                                       +$       21,666.00


CHURCH PAINTING FUND -    (South side aisle)


  Goal                                                        $80,000.00

  Gift received to date                               -$  7,352.00

  Still needed                                             $72,648.00


Thank you to the English Rosary Guild

for the gift of $800.00 to the Painting Fund.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL HOURS - The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel will close for Christmas on Saturday, December 23rd at 4:00 PM and reopen on Tuesday, December 26th at 6:00 AM.

REMEMBER HOLY CROSS PARISH - Please remember Holy Cross Parish at Christmas time.  God bless you for your continued generosity to Holy Cross!




In our world where there is so much noise, so much bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of JESUS.  Let us be faithful in prayer and adoration.  It will bring us a source of peace and comfort.


“HE has won us for Himself, and you must proclaim what HE has done for you.  HE called you out of darkness into HIS own wonderful light.”  (1 Peter 2:9)


Open Hour: Tuesday 3:00 PM, Wednesday 7:00 AM  For information, call 612-605-2558 or 612-781-4806. 

“COINS FOR CRIBS” -  As we prepare to celebrate the Birth of Baby Jesus at Christmas our parish is collecting coins during Advent that will be used for baby cribs.  The money collected will be given to “Cradle of Hope” - a non-profit organization that works with mothers and infants in crisis.  If you prefer to give dollars or a check, please put your gift in an envelope marked “Cradle of Hope.”  Last week we collected $155.00.  Thank you!


CHRISTMAS CONCERT - De La Salle High School will proudly present a free Christmas Concert for people of all ages on Wednesday, December 20th at 7:00 PM in Florance Center.  Over 250 students are involved in De La Salle’s band, choir or orchestra programs. For more information call 612-676-7600.

CANDY AND CARMEL CORN - There is still time to get these wonderful treats.  See one of the Sisters in the Sacristy after Mass or call 612-789-7238 (evenings).  All profits go towards the “Church painting.”

ATTENTION SENIORS: With tax time just around the corner, some changes in the tax law for 2006 and 2007 might be worth looking into.  If you are age 70 1/2 and are required to take mandatory withdrawals from your retirement accounts, you can do so without paying tax on the withdrawal and still get the deduction if you have the contribution made directly to Holy Cross Church.  You can have any or all of the distribution sent to your favorite charity.  See or call your tax preparer or financial advisor for details.